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- I make no warranties of any kind concerning the use of this program. This
- program is supplied "AS IS" without any warranties. You use this
- program entirley at your own risk. By running the program you indicate your
- acceptance of these terms and conditions.
- - Philip <pdlaw@amigaworld.com> - easiest for me.
- - Special thanks to Oliver Wagner (Voyager, AmIRC) for debugging.
- 0.2 Alpha (14-11-96)
- -------------------
- -Added scrollbar.
- -Fixed typo in about window.
- -Added "Buffer" menu.
- -Added character wrap in terminal.
- -Added reset button to clear the terminal.
- 0.3 Alpha (14-11-96)
- --------------------
- Messed up on versioned string so I skipped this one.
- 0.4 Alpha (14-11-96)
- --------------------
- -Added user popup and string gadget.
- -Finger now works 100% :)
- 0.5 Alpha (15-11-96)
- --------------------
- -Added "Print" menu item.
- -Added Cut & Paste ability.
- -Changed "Open Connection" to "Finger address".
- -Changed "Close Connection" to "Initialsie Terminal"
- -Added Facility to Initialise Terminal via Menu
- -Added warning text on connection.
- 0.6 Alpha (16-11-96)
- --------------------
- -Added shotcuts.
- -Started work on AmFinger settings.
- 0.7 Alpha (17-11-96)
- --------------------
- -Added "Selectable" to settings.
- -Added "GUI" to settings.
- -Added Terminal background options in GUI.
- -Added Font selector in GUI.
- 0.8 Alpha (17-11-96)
- --------------------
- -Scrapped font popup as font selection can be done via mui settings.
- -Added font colour popup.
- -Changed layout in Settings.
- -Changed about window.
- 0.9 Alpha (21-11-96)
- --------------------
- -Changed About window.
- -Added bubble help :-)
- -Think I have fixed the layout bug now, Joker ;-)
- 0.10 Alpha (21-11-96)
- -Hopefully fixed all crashes on startup by adding a struct Library
- *TermBase;
- 0.11 Alpha (22-11-96)
- ---------------------
- -Fixed typo in about window.
- -Removed quit button.
- -Renamed "Intialise Terminal" to "Clear Screen".
- -Integrated user & host string into the one.
- 0.12 Alpha (24-11-96)
- ---------------------
- -put on wrap.
- -added extra two CRLFs at the end of a finger.
- 0.13 Alpha (25-11-96)
- ---------------------
- -Added error message if AmFinger was unable to connect.
- -Fixed slider in settings.
- -Changed layout of Prefs.
- -Hopefully fixed the layout problem.
- -Changed about window.
- 0.14 Alpha (27-11-96)
- ---------------------
- Internal only.
- 0.15 Alpha (29-11-96)
- ---------------------
- -Added OK and Cancel buttons in settings.
- -Got rid of massive 48k chip hunk.
- -Hopefully fixed Active's crash on startup.
- -Changed way AmFinger opened connection. This should get rid of most
- connection probs.
- 0.16 Alpha (01-12-96)
- ---------------------
- -Internal Changes.
- - Fixed colours.
- 0.17 Alpha (02-12-96)
- ---------------------
- - The list works. weee :-)
- - Small bugfixes.
- 0.18 Alpha (03-12-96)
- ---------------------
- -Added facility to save the contents ot the termianl as a text file. Doesn't
- this rule or what? ;-)
- -Small bug fixes.
- -Says "unable to connect" if it cant find the host now :-)
- 0.19 Alpha (03-12-96)
- ---------------------
- -Small bug fixes
- -Small changes.
- 0.20 Alpha (08-12-96)
- ---------------------
- - Hopeully enabled printing.
- 0.21 Alpha (08-12-96)
- ---------------------
- - Small bug fixes.
- 0.22 Alpha (10-12-96)
- ---------------------
- - Added requestors for errors and end of finger sessions.
- - Added status text at bottom.
- - Small minute bug fixes.
- 0.23 Alpha (13-12-96)
- ---------------------
- - Hope I fixed the printing bug. Fingers crossed. Or should I say
- AmFingers crossed? :-) (lame joke).
- 0.24 Alpha (14-12-96)
- ---------------------
- - Print still sucks so I took it out until I can get it to work properly.
- - Fixed $VER: string.
- - Took out some of the settings.
- - Got rid of loads of header files in the source that were useless.
- - Changed the shortcut for "Clear Screen" to RAmiga-R.
- 0.25 Alpha (20-12-96)
- ---------------------
- - Cleaned up code
- - Added busy bar during finger.
- 0.26 Alpha (21-12-96)
- ---------------------
- - Fixed the @bug. You dont have to include the @when fingering a host now.
- 0.27 Alpha (21-12-96)
- ---------------------
- - Saving of listview now works.
- - Save Settings now works. Saved settings are automatically loaded on
- startup now.
- - Terminal is now output only.
- 0.28 Alpha (01-01-97)
- ---------------------
- - Added buttons in listview.
- - Added add and edit window.
- - Added sort, remove, edit and add facility in listview.
- I had an HD crash and lost the source code. found an old backup and I had
- to rewrite a lot of the code.
- 1.0 NetConnect Release (15-02-97)
- ---------------------------------
- - Now works with a TCP/IP stack
- - Compatable with As225r2 as well now.
- - Status text bug which you could edit.
- - Fixed all enforcer hits.
- - Changes in the about Window
- - Return in finger address string now starts Finger.
- - Added error checking :-)
- - Added facility to get connection errors.
- - Added NetConnect Version strings.
- - Removed paste facility (it was pointless)
- - Removed "Help" menu item. NYI.
- - Removed Listview bars.
- - Added new names in about Window.
- 1.1 Beta (08-03-97)
- -------------------
- - Busy now works properly during lookup and connect();
- - Locale should work.
- 1.2 Beta (forgot the date)
- --------------------------
- - Fixed some names in the about window.
- 1.3 Beta (10-03-97)
- -------------------
- I messed the $VER: up again so I skipped this.
- 1.4 Beta (13-03-97)
- -------------------
- - Hopefully fixed problem with AmiTCP 4.3 <thanks Joker>.
- - Added abort facility.
- - Changed layout of GUI. This was an accident actually :-)
- 1.5 Beta (18-03-97)
- -------------------
- - Fixed problem of double entries in the list.
- - Added Multiple Column Support. yay! :-)
- 1.6 Beta (27-03-97)
- -------------------
- - Loacle works 100% now. <execept menus which I will do when I have some
- free time>
- - Attempted to Fix AmiTCP 4.3 bug.
- 1.1 Beta (Public) (11-05-97)
- ----------------------------
- - 100% localised.
- 1.2 Internal (forgot date)
- --------------------------
- - Fixed crash while finger
- 1.3 (Public) (25-05-97)
- -----------------------
- - Public release. minor fixes.
- 1.4 (27-06-97)
- --------------
- - Included some catalogs
- - Added documentation
- - Fixed bug that cuased AmiTCP 4.3 to crash on exit.
- - Save As should work again.
- - Added TAB support in add & edit windows.